Monday, March 23, 2009

It's a funny story:

BismiAllahi AlRahman AlRaheem

Beat after beat, overstepping the boundaries I once created;
Oh my heart, are you aware to which direction you are being lead?

Forcing the mouth to not speak, but the soul is screaming the sounds
Through words that are beyond my comprehension and without bounds

The hours are passed folded in a corner, body curved and retrieved
Witness the state of my exasperation and the want to be relieved

I feared when I let my shell crumble and let it all in plain sight
And I feared the way I was brought back alive and instilled with might

I feared when I will propose my dreams …and maybe let out a fart!
And I feared to give in and serve my scarred heart!

The shadow came hollow, waiting for me to instill it
Amazing how my dreams and I formed a perfect fit!

Everything became useless…words became meaningless,
Time stopping every hour to give us a break to let out the sighs

It’s a funny story:
Kites, flying randomly with the wind, attached by a pair of strings
Guided by the One above, tangled up in the seventh heaven forming a pair of wings

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