Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fate and Spears…will they ever coincide!

BismiAllahi AlRahman AlRaheem

Close them eyes and take a deep breath,
The world you once painted has changed colors
The blue turned to violet and the grey shades you dark
The rain leaked through you path and made it disappear…
Fate and Spears…will they ever coincide!
Don’t you believe…..that God can make anything happen?
At times I seem to loose my train of thought
I forget my past and run back into whatever hurt
I am going to wait and weigh it out…
For the heart can fool the eyes once more…

Untangle the fingers that kept on counting
The moments I disappeared in your memories
Snuggle under the last softest thing I own
And blur the vision I seemed to envision…
I don’t want you to practice on my heart.
I don’t want to be a silly mistake or a random memory
A passing time or a backup just in case…
I mend then I’ll break..so I’ll shield my rose
And grow some thorns, before its too late!

I think I’ve fallen…in between your fingers
The rope that was wrapped around my throat
Has entangled and let go and left me in a wide open space!
The truth was shown in your eyes,
And made my eyes forgive its lies…
When they were closed shut trying to hide
The wisdom within, and its unfortunate times
And the reflected heart… swallowed within
So I’ll close them eyes and take a deep breath
I am going to wait and weigh it out…
For the heart can fool the eyes once more…

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