Sunday, April 20, 2008

High On Deen

In the Name of Allah, Al-Rahman, Al-Raheem.

I cherish the minutes well spent investing in my deen alhmadoulillah.

I remember the day when I straightened my back, lowered my gaze and said "Allahu Akbar". Tears flowing streams on my face, humbly asking for forgiveness. A prayer that will never be forgotten. That was the day I started to live on the path of Al-Iman.

Islam was well established alhamdoulillah as my birth label. It was ma3rouf that Allah is our lord, and Mohammed (s) was our last messenger; prayer;fasting;zakat;and hajj (if so it can be afforded). However, Ta3lim and the practice took a shaking Taubah to Sub7anahou wa Ta3ala 20 years later.

A commitment to my religion, to Praise and Prayer to Allah (SWT), to follow the Sunna of Mohammed (s), to the path of righteousness was needed to be grounded and secured in my heart, with a key that only Allah (SWT) granted to whom He wished. Alhamdoulillah, my prayer has been answered.

How? How all of a sudden began to realize my existance and my obligations to my religion and this world?H ow can others do the same?

An event calling to accept christianity lead this path. Other, whom have been affected greatly by the pursuasive minister chosen his path, and Others, who realized the knowledge of their own religion is miniscule. As for me, within the latter I lead the people.

After the minister opened discussion with me about my Noble Prophet Mohammed (s) and his marriages, I realiezed I could not argue back due to my lack of knowledge, As well as others who claimed "i'm not a scholar, I can't argue back"

Did Mohammed (s) or Allah (SWT) said or mentioned in the quran or sunnah that you HAVE TO BE A SCHOLAR to know your religion? Since when you had to be a given the permission to know your religion? I WAS ASTONISHED!!!!!!

I knew the minister was to be preaching the rest of the week. So that night was my Awakening to my faith. I spent all night googling about Mohamed (s) and other prophet (PBUT). O, how much knowledge I came to realize that night. I figured, if every night was like that tonight, I surely will become a scholar! :)

The next day, I packed my bag full of information to lay my argument into stone. A bible, a quran, stories of the prophet, etc. and I faced the minister, with a mind full of knowledge. Every comment he brought against my religion, I executed it with proof. On and On for 3 more hours, and the minister got tired.

The truth: I knew God blinded the minister, but I found the opportunity to do Duah to those whose faith is shaking and looking for the rightous path to follow, mine included.

After that day, its like I put Yeast in my heart and it was unstoppably rising until today. ALHAMDOULILLAHHHHHHHH!

A month later, I started wearing my 7ijab according to the sunnah and Quran: Jilbab. I started to Pray every prayer on time and perform sunna prayer. I started to memorize the quran. I'm using Youtube to my iman advantage and listen to free islamic lectures. My interest to the sunna is high, and Duah is my #1 priority.

"High on Deen" 's main goal is to keep my faith and everyone's faith on the rise inshaAllah!

Salamu Alaikum, Wa rahmatu ALlahi wa Barakatu
