Friday, March 20, 2009

....3 days!

BismiAllahi AlRahman AlRaheem

I am storing every tear that flows from the wells of my heart. I was blind to what I am becoming, I was deaf to what I’m hearing, and I was mute to what I’m speaking; It is all new to me but I’m letting go and flying. How do simple words could fire you up inside and melt you like a candle wax, but the candle keeps burning luminous light when the sun exhausts and falls behind the horizon.

Knowing that all this time I was shackled in an illusion and finally I’m released to a reality beyond my comprehension: where everything starts to unfold and finally makes sense. You look back to what made you and you realize that everything happens for a reason, not a hair falls in the middle of darkness that Allah Al-mighty didn’t not design to be with a purpose.

I look back at my footsteps and realize that every fitnah that befell me was a preparation, it was to make me stronger and withstand the upcoming destination. With every Dua that was made molded the destiny of our two paths to meet. For that, I cannot comprehend the generosity and compassion of Allah! For it let a soul fly into my path fully unexpected, fully completed….guarded by two angels, sent from heaven, packaged into exactly what I needed…

I feel terrible. To the extreme that I feel like I need to bow down in prostration until days end and ask for forgiveness for all those days when I got frustrated at Allah to send me someone that perfects my soul and fits perfectly into one body. I want to ask for forgiveness when I be-littered your powers and cried thinking loneliness was my fate and harmony. How am I deservant of such soul you had sent from heaven to me? How after all that I’ve done. Could it be possible that you’ve done this to show that with You, ya Allah, lies all the power, and to you we belong? I believe in you and your destiny…

How beautiful it is when we let Allah design and destines, for he Perfects! But I will be patient. Patience we lacked when we got frustrated, but now we truly know the altitude of Allah’s powers. Prayers, Duas, inner strength, Iman fuel, love and compassion needs to be fostered…to imagine this whole time Allah took us for a rollercoaster ride called life just to get us ready….I knew…I KNEW that Allah was waiting for the best time to bring such souls to meet! I knew that Ithought I was ready, but I knew that Allah knows best…

For Allah never overburdens a soul with what it can’t handle! Sub7anaAllah..

Everything takes three days:
It takes three days to forgive,
It takes three days to forget,
and it takes three days to untangle your heart from its fears!
But to Allah, it takes less then second, Be and it shall Be!

I will be storing every tear that flows from the wells of my heart. So mold me into what u desire me to be. Just put wings on me so I can fly freely with only you by my side in harmony…

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