Friday, January 2, 2009

Bloody New Years...

BismiAllahi AlRahman AlRaheem

The year folded with a sudden sting in our hearts. Among the many that survived, we witnessed their fellow brethrens struggling for their last breath. Some in pain and sorrow, and the rest standing so proud of their achievements: the humiliation of a nation into blood and tears.

It really wasn’t hard to predict, nor am I very surprised. It’s but interesting seeing the interference of the major countries upon the unnecessary debasement of certain leaders (Saddam Hussein from Iraq), and their wishes of all their hands to pull down the statue of power. Not that I don’t condemn viscous acts committed by vicious leaders, It’s rather interesting how each situation is judged and acted upon.

Every powerful nation is deaf to crucial cries resonating from the needy lives. Yet their concentration is directed where their selfish gains are guaranteed. Every boy and man battles this war with a peace scarf folded around their necks, peacefully chanting the words of freedom from the sidelines "Free Palestine!". Yet no one is there to listen.

If every girl gets stripped away from her right to live, she rather leave the date of her death as her remains; Thus, a more worthy to the foe. They own their fears when the Palestinians start fearing to die. Until then, they must encompass every person’s mind to start obeying and depending on them. That was the last stipulation of the Pharoah….and until the promised end to bloodshed arrives, we remain hopeless with our mashsaAllah muslim countries, striving with the word of god, not even lending a hand, nor a dua…

…yes, we are moving along to almost closing another decade, yet we have not emproved at all. Forcing God’s hand, the Christians believe, in order to aid and facilitate the coming of the messiah. While doing so, a whole nation of Israel is becoming the crib to this ideology that’s murdering the many “anti-christ-followers” muslims, who are cursed anyway.

And we are forced to sit and stare….

I’m forced to sit and stare. “Your voice will one day cause you to die” my elder has warned me, and banned me from ever holding a pali flag out in the streets. My heart is dying slowly as our rights are diminishing. Yes, it is merely leashing out my frustration at the world, and waving thy flag to be the remembrance in someone’s mind….one day, in the end of time, they will be asked, what have you done for your mother land?

On and on I try to bring awareness to this issue, since late 2004 when the Wall was built to separate children from parents, farmlands from owners, and hospitals from patients, etc. Even one dared to ask “what is this petition going to help?” … I’m not even sure about that one particular petition that I collected even made it out of my house, but I’m pretty sure that everyone that I encountered left with some sort of awareness about the situation in Palestine.

5 years later and still battling the same battles of ignorance among the nations… how far have we gone, in 2008? May this year (2009) be the climax and a turning point towards good things, inshaAllah.

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