Thursday, January 8, 2009

State of Ghafla...

BismiAllahi AlRahman AlRaheem

I'm slowly relieving myself from this state of Ghafla.....Lest we forget, Allah is always there, waiting for us to call onto Him.... Lest we forget, there is a Book full of words of wisdom to contemplate on.... Lest we forget, there are things that we may love but indeed are bad for us, and things that we hate but indeed are good for us.... Lest we forget, we know not, for Allah is All Knower, let He guide us through a path that leads to heaven... Lest we forget!

At the state where your troubles are choking you, and all that comes out with the tears is a “why?”… and you start the deliberations with your Lord, admitting to every wrongfull step, to things that you may never intended to go astray…. And beg to relieve you of your sins…the realization that if you were to die tonight, you may never make it far but drenched in the Hell forever….that realization murders you…

..then that sudden silence, as if time stopped. where your breath becomes so calm, and the heart beat regulates… just stairing at the qibla… as if something is holding you, protecting you, that sense of relief… as if your questions and worries are being answered, and you are not to worry… as long as you return to Him, He will hold you, protect you, and guide you. *sigh* Lest we forget...
"Knowledge is the spirit that saves the heart from the death of ignorance; it is the light that saves it from the darkness of iniquity. The hearts of the iniquitous are dead because they are oblivious to God, and the hearts of the heedless (Ghafla) are sick because they ignore His commandments."
-Abu Ali Thaqafi, "The Kashf al-Mahjub"

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