Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bless our Brothers...

since many poems are devoted to the women's strengths, I decided to devote one to the brother's inshaAllah

To the One above, I pray for you to bless:

the hands that curve his pride longing to find answers,
and in those eyes that cried his nights begging for forgiveness.

the face that spent nights kissing his forehead to the prayer rug,
and the arms that open wide to every shattered soul that needs a hug.

the strength that befriends the ground whever a temptation passes his direction,
and the moments where he leads his intentions to reach purification.

The soft spoken speach that is batteling the accusations,
and the silence that is folded to refuel his patience.

The voice that humms in his passing moments the verses of the quran,
and the prophet that he chose as his number one fan.

The protector that he becomes to the last prescribed amanah:
his beloved sister,and the pride and joy he takes when he sees a veil emracing her.

The chosen hand that he will guide on the journey to janna,
and the one's that his name to pass on his legacy in the dunya.


EID Mubarek!

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